Our Lady of Victories

1 Fairfield Road Market Harborough Leicestershire LE16 9QQ 01858 462359

Our Lady of Victories endeavours where possible to maintain an open door policy for the Church and whilst like most Churches we have recognised Service times we also welcome worshippers to come in their own time for personal prayer and thought.




We, the faith community of Our Lady of Victories Parish, with our values rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, accept our mission:


to come together to worship God,

to welcome everybody,

to work with and in our local community as Christians in the Catholic tradition,

in openness and fellowship with Christians in Churches Together in Market Harborough,

to love, learn from, and support each other, in our spiritual growth,

to witness to our faith in words, actions and compassionate service to others.


Week beginning Sunday 9 February 2025 - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time


They left everything and followed Him.


Saturday: Feria (8):

11.00 am - Sacrament of Reconciliation - Confession

5.15 pm - Sacrament of Reconciliation - Confession

6.00 pm - Mass - People of the Parish


Sunday: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (9):

10.00 am - Mass - Fidelma Raftery RIP (Brooks) - with Children's Liturgy

Coffee after Mass in the Octagonal Hall

3.30 pm - Rosary in front of Our Lady's statue outside church


Monday: St Scholastica (10):

9.00 am - Mass - November Dead List


Tuesday: Our Lady of Lourdes (11):

9.00 am - Mass - Sean Bland RIP (Pro Life Group)


Wednesday: Feria (12):

7.00 pm - Mass - Michael Bishop intentions (Cates)


Thursday: St Cyril and St Methodius (13):

9.40 am - Rosary

10.00 am - Mass - Wladek and Emilia Fialkowski RIP

Coffee after Mass

7.00 pm - Holy Hour


Friday: Feria (14):

10.00 am - Mass - Sean - ill (Muckle)


Saturday: Feria (15):

11.00 am - Sacrament of Reconciliation - Confession

5.15 pm - Sacrament of Reconciliation - Confession

6.00 pm - Mass - Thanksgiving and Blessings on Smreczak Family


Sunday: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (16):

10.00 am - Mass - Phil Danks RIP - with Children's Liturgy

Coffee after Mass in the Octagonal Hall

3.30 pm - Rosary in front of Our Lady's statue outside church


We continue to pray for the People of  Ukraine and offer sacrifices for them.


May Our Lady, Queen of Peace, intercede for us.


The Church is open during the day for visits.  Please use the Fairfield Road entrance.


Please do not come to Mass if you have any symptoms of a viral infection.


Mass Intentions, Baptisms, Weddings and Funeral Services - Please contact the Parish Priest


Some Service times may change due to the religious calendar please check on our Current News / Calendar Page or contact the Parish Priest.