Our Lady of Victories News





Dear all,


It is lovely to be back after my holidays. I spent a few days in Walsingham which was very relaxing and prayerful and it is well worth visiting our national shrine to Our Lady. There are places for pilgrims to stay if you want to.


I then proceeded to Valencia  and stayed in the “Casa Sacerdotal”  a residence for priests who are either retired or not working in parishes. The company was wonderful of young and old priests. Don Jose who visited us would take me to the beach at 7:00 am when he wasn't on duty in the Basilica.  It was lovely to have a morning swim.


I celebrated Mass for you all in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Forsaken and also in the Cathedral on Sunday with the Cathedral Chapter in a sung Mass. The chalice of our Lord is preserved in a special Chapel where I prayed for all of you in a little holy hour. It was very moving.  Father Jose sends his regards.


Thank you to Father Peter and to all who have looked after things while I have been away. 

Also congratulations to Alice Kendall and Ben Johnston who were married here on Saturday.

Sadly, while I was away Lesley Lander died. Her funeral will be on 24 September 2024 at 10.00 am followed by her committal at Great Glen.


May she rest  in peace.




continues now at the 10.00 am Mass. Registration forms for children starting school are available from Fr Chris. Any new leaders  to help on our rota would be most welcome a DBS is required which we do as a Parish. 

Please contact Fr Chris.


Music Evening Saturday, 28 September 2024.


This is an evening for parishioners to entertain other parishioners with songs and music.


If you would like to contribute to the evening by singing or playing please contact Stephen McGlone on 07912345352.


The parish has much untapped talent and different cultures so please don't be shy in coming forward!




Saturday 14 September 2024 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm finishing with Benediction at 5.50 pm by request of the Bishops.


Adoremus, the National Eucharistic Congress and Pilgrimage, is being celebrated on Saturday 14 September 2024 and to unite with the National Eucharistic procession taking place at Oscott at 4.30 pm that Saturday.


We can pray for a great love of the Eucharist in our Parishes and peace in our troubled world and I will be available for Confession that afternoon.




The CTH Forum meeting next Thursday 12 September 2024 at 7.15 pm in the Renew Wellbeing Cafe on Manor Walk behind the Baptist Church across from the Co-op.


The Speaker is Mr Joe Gasan from Kettering SVP.  All welcome.


It is important to support this and it would be good to have one or more representatives. And thanks to Maureen and Theresa.




You are invited to attend the Harborough Christian Counselling Service (The Bower House) AGM and Service of Thanksgiving (celebrating 25 years) on Thursday 19 September 2024 at Harborough Methodist Church.


The AGM starts at 6.00 pm (arrival for tea and coffee from 5:30 pm) with the Thanksgiving Service at 6:45 pm. Light Refreshments will be served from 7:30 pm - 9.00 pm. For catering purposes, it would be helpful to know if you are planning to attend.


Please RSVP by Fiday 13 September 2024, either by email at: officeadmin@bowerhousecounselling.org or by telephoning (01858) 469257 We look forward to seeing you there.




Our Church took part in this event and raised money from which we were given a grant towards the refurbishment of Our Lady of Victories. Do you remember Fr Owen walking from Lubenham to Market Harborough and

being sponsored?


Others of us walked or cycled around Leicestershire calling at Christian Churches, Chapels and Meeting Houses, having our sponsorship forms signed and enjoying a welcome drink and a biscuit!


Although we are not taking part in the sponsorship, Fr Chris has agreed to have our Church included in the list of Churches open to receive participants. We hope to welcome visitors from 10.00 am until 3.00 pm and offer them a drink and a biscuit and sign their sponsor forms.


Please will you help with this by coming to Church at a time to suit you.  The sheet is there for you to pick a time.  The drink and biscuits will be there ready. Thank-you in anticipation!




I am hoping to get the forms out very soon. If you would like to help please contact or email Fr Chris. We are also looking for an organiser for this. parishpriest@olvic.com   As for all these roles we need to do a DBS check.




For those wishing to know about the life and prayer of a Secular Carmelite or are already part of the Carmelite Order and wish to share experiences, a Carmelite Day is being held at Our Lady and Saint Joseph Church Hall, Matlock, on Saturday 5 October 2024, between 10.30 am and 4.00 pm, with a time of Adoration, and optional Mass afterwards. All are welcome. Bring a packed lunch; refreshments will be provided. For details contact Jo Gilbert: info@matlockcatholic.org or turn up on the day.




Do you feel that God might be calling you to the priesthood?  If so, please contact Father Neil Peoples, Vocations Director, at vocations@nottinghamdiocese.uk to book a place at the next discernment meeting taking place at Cathedral Hall, Nottingham at 10.30 am on Saturday 5 October 2024.




Have you considered becoming an Altar Server? We would love you to be involved in this precious ministry, school children or adults, 8 or 88 all are welcome. A big commitment? No, not at all. The Saturday Vigil and Sunday Service are the main ones, other masses during the week are completely optional. It's up to you what time you can give. I did this years ago! So come on back and enjoy the experience all over again. Some might think they always wanted to be a server but never got the chance, here's your chance.


Interested? Please speak to Fr. Chris or Dave Percival or call to arrange a convenient time for an informal chat. We would love to hear from you. 


Dave's mobile: 07981 205861 Email:  dave.percival@ntlworld.com




will now ALL need to have a current DBS. This had been changed in recent years so that only those who took Holy Communion to people in their own homes required a DBS, but from now on, everyone in this role will require one.


We will be contacting all relevant Eucharistic Ministers shortly to start their checks.


Theresa and Christine.




The Safeguarding office have announced that the Online CSSA Safeguarding Training is now ready for volunteers in DBS required roles.  We have been asked to forward the CSSA training webpage link to each relevant volunteer so that they can register and complete their online training. The CSSA have provided an information sheet for us to forward to each person as well, which contains FAQs and joining instructions. We will shortly be emailing everyone who is currently volunteering in a DBS role, with both the link and information sheet. 


It may also be possible for the parish to arrange a group training session.  If this would be useful/necessary for you as you possibly do not have internet access at home, then please let us know. 


All training needs to be completed by 10 December 2024. 




Safe Places – a free and independent support service that provides a confidential, personal and safe space for anyone who has been abused through their relationship with the Catholic Church. 

Phone 0300 303 1056  Email: safespaces@victimsupport.org.uk


The Bower House – Harborough Christian Counselling Service offers counselling  to those who live in the Harborough District  01858 469257


NAPAC offers support and advice to adult survivors of childhood abuse 0808 8010331


Spiritual Abuse   - www.spiritualabuse.com


Action on Elder Abuse Helpline – 0808 808 8141


More details can be found on our website by clicking Safeguarding




For all the latest Young Adult events (aimed at 18-35 year olds) visit www.dioceseofnottingham.uk/events or contact charles.archer@dioceseofnottingham.uk




As Catholics we must do all that we can to defend human life, in all forms and at all stages.  But our belief that life is a sacred gift from God is not shared by all.  Under the new government, decriminalisation of abortion and assisted suicide will both soon be debated in Parliament.  On Saturday 7 September 2024 there will be an opportunity to witness to our belief in the value of life with the annual March for Life in Westminster. More information is available at www.marchforlife.co.uk/2024-event-page.  There will be a coach going from Nottingham; for information, and to book, contact Marielangford@live.co.uk (07948 151 264).


The SPANNED Annual Mass is being celebrated by Bishop Patrick at Saint Peter's Church, Leicester Road, Hinckley on Saturday 21 September 2024 with our five diocesan groups and many friends, at 2.30 pm. 


SPANNED has been working on climate change over the last two years and will present their findings to the bishop at the Mass in the form of a Manifesto, called "If you want to change the world, then change your life". 


For more details contact Father Frank Daly after 25 August 2024 on 01455 634443 or at hinckleypriory@gmail.com


Likewise, if you are coming we would like to know numbers so that you can stay with us for some refreshments afterwards.  All are very welcome.




First Prize - £60 - E Cox - ticket number 13


Second Prize - £25 - H Powell - ticket number 144


Third Prize - £15 - G Stewart - ticket number 278


Due to the lack of tickets, which has gone down from 280 to 103, it is no longer viable to continue with the draw.


I will therefore close it from January 2025 the last draw to be December 2024.


All members paying by Direct Debit or Standing Order should cancel by January 2025.


Many thanks for all your support in the past.




Many thanks to all who continue giving to the Parish.


For anyone who is new to the Parish there are Gift Aid Forms in the cloister near the wall.


Name of account: Our Lady of Victories, Market Harborough RCP

Sort Code: 30 - 95- 47

Account: 00068953


Just put a note to say it is church donation.  If you are a Tax payer you can pick up a Gift Aid Form (if you have not completed one) at the Church or email Fr Chris parishpriest@olvic.com  and I can send you one by email.


We can claim an extra 25% on top of anything you give if you are tax payer.


If you are a Gift Aid Declaration Holder please advise your parish office, or the Diocesan Gift Aid Department (parish.giftaid@dioceseofnottingham.uk) of any change in your circumstances, such as name change / address change / no longer a taxpayer.  If your spouse has died and the GA Declaration was in his / her name, and you wish to continue to contribute because you are a taxpayer, then a new GA Declaration Form will need to be completed.  Please also advise of the date of your spouse’s death.  Your continued support of both parish and Diocese is always very much appreciated – thank you!  If you do not Gift Aid your contributions, and you are a taxpayer, and wish to do so, please speak with your parish priest, or contact the parish office for a Gift Aid Declaration Form.


FINANCE (1 September 2024):


Envelopes:  £342.30,  Loose:  £180.56,  Total: £522.86




You will find our DIGITAL COLLECTION PLATE, contactless terminal in the Cloister.

Just use your contactless debit/credit card or smart phone / device to make a donation, there are options for other church funds such as “General donation to the Parish / Repository/ candles or Second Collection.


Simply choose the amount you wish to donate and hold your card onto the reader. You can also opt-in for Gift Aid to increase your donation by 25%. for the Church. Once a card is registered the machine will remember.  If you are a UK taxpayer, then donating with Gift Aid means that we can claim an extra 25p for every £1  received. Contactless donations are simple to administer, secure and convenient.


It is of course better to give regularly to the Church through Standing Order as this cost us less.


There are New Year Books available for £6 with a few articles and of course obituaries from last year. You can buy them on the card reader.


Keep up your prayers for peace in the Middle East and Ukraine. Say the Rosary.


Fr Chris PP




We continue our Holy Hour on Thursdays with Exposition from 7.00 pm. There will be some meditations and finishing with Benediction about 7.50 pm. The Eucharist and the Real Presence of Our Lord is so important for us. The opportunity to come and pray with Our Lord when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed is a source of special graces.  


For families with Children Why not one of the parents come and pray for the whole family for a time during the hour?.




meets every Sunday 4.30 - 5.00 pm outside in front of the statue of Our Lady praying especially for Peace and Reconciliation in Society. Contact Maureen Douglas 07966 515115.




Do you want to go deeper into your Catholic spiritual life and prayer life?  A monthly ‘Going Deeper’ gathering will continue on Tuesday 17 September 2024 at 6.30 pm and continue thereafter on the third Tuesday of the month.  It will be in the Kavanagh Room.  The main components of the meeting will be: the Evening prayer of the Church; discussion of a classic text on prayer by one of the great spiritual teachers, a period of silent prayer.  The plan is to finish around 8pm.  For more information, email Cyprian Blamires on cpblamires@aol.com

or phone him on 01858 468224 or 07714 651756.


RED BOXES AND ADC (Aid to Developing Countries) group


Many thanks to everyone for your continued support for the Missio Red Boxes and for our ADC group. It is now time once again for the Red Boxes to be emptied so we would be most grateful if you could leave your box on the table in the Cloister and then collect it the following week (or two!).


Our ADC group is rapidly decreasing in numbers and capability so our fundraising efforts are now minimal.  We do however still try to raise money for our various groups around the world by selling your unwanted clothes etc. so if you are discarding your winter wardrobe or off loading last year’s summer clothes to make more space, please remember our  box under the table in the Cloister and help to fill it at your convenience so that we can help those in need. 


Your giving in this way has been absolutely invaluable over the past few years and has enabled us to keep sending donations to our very needy causes.  Again we offer our  most sincere thanks to all who are supporting the poor and underprivileged in our world through the above agencies.


If you would like to help by taking a Red Box (or the White Envelopes for ADC) or need any further information about Missio or ADC, please see Father Chris or Bob and Chris Shepherd.  Thank you so very much.




Many thanks to all who have completed their forms. Any last volunteers to fill out your details? 


Registration forms are now available In the Narthex or by email.


Who does this apply to? Really anyone who helps in any way in the Parish! From Church Cleaner, flower arranger reader, Coffee volunteer, church collection Bazaar Offertory PPC, welcomer  and so on.. You can also receive the form by email from parishpriest@olvic.com


PS Just one form is necessary for all your roles in the parish.


Many thanks, Fr Chris.




We pray that the Lord God send His Holy Spirit to all the people of Ukraine and gives them the grace of endurance in faith, hope and love amid the current ordeals; may peace be granted throughout Ukraine and may the Ukrainian nation be delivered from all enemies, so that we may glorify the good and merciful God in justice and truth. 

Lord hear us and have mercy. Amen.


Information from Caritas on the Ukraine and the Welcome scheme is available from the Grapevine Newsletter:




Also see Catholic Social Action Network (CSAN) https://www.csan.org.uk/ukraine/


Parishioners can be part of the Church’s response by giving to CAFOD’s Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal at cafod.org.uk/Ukraine




You are asked to leave food bank items in the trolleys at various supermarkets when you shop. Henderson Connellan on the High Street,  Spar on Coventry Road, Eco Village, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, Both Coop supermarkets, B&M, Everyone's Active: leisure centre cf https://www.jubileefoodbankmh.uk/ 


Shopping List:


WE HAVE AN URGENT NEED FOR: Dried Potato (like Smash), Tinned chicken in sauce,Tinned Veggie Meals ​​​​​


Other Suggested Food Donations​​​​​​​​: Tinned Custard,Tinned Ham,Corned Beef,,Tinned Rice Pudding,Tinned/Jarred Hot Dogs,Crackers,Jars of Coffee,Sandwich Paste (small jars),Sugar (small bags if possible, 500g)Jam,Tinned Fruit, Snacks such as small bags of nuts, cereal bars, chocolate bars, dried fruit for lunch boxes and homeless. Mayonnaise,Tinned Potatoes,Tinned red meat (bolognaise, mince, stewed, chilli),UHT milk (semi-skimmed and whole),Tins of beans (red kidney beans, chickpeas... etc.),Porridge oats, Shampoo,Toothpaste,Toothbrushes, Shower gel,Feminine products--sanitary towels and tampons, Used, clean, strong 'bags for life', strong carrier bags, Jars or pouches of baby food,Packets of Rice (500g if possible),Cereal,Jars of curry sauce to go with rice,Tinned potatoes,Tinned meatballs,Hot chocolate,Angel Delight,Microwave Sponge Puddings,Packets of dried custard,Packet Rice,Tinned Carrots,Marmalade,Cordial / Juice Drinks, Biscuits, Sweetcorn, Fray Bentos Pies




The latest edition of the Diocesan e-Magazine was published last week on Ash Wednesday, featuring reflections, articles, and news from across the diocese, including NDCYS, CAFOD and Caritas.  Read and subscribe to receive it directly via email at: www.dioceseofnottingham.uk/news




is a confidential telephone helpline service set up for those returning Catholics who want to return to the faith and need a safe space to be heard. A Diocese of Westminster initiative, the helpline is staffed by a team of volunteers who are welcoming, friendly, empathetic and non- judgemental.


The helpline is also based on the Landings ethos of compassionate listening. Operating three days a week from 4.00 pm - 7.00 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays calls are free to the helpline on 0800 448 0704 or by email at catholiclisteners@gmail.com




Saturday 6.00 pm 7 September 2024: M Mihovilovic

Sunday 10.00 am 8 September 2024: P Green and J Thayaseelan


Saturday 6.00 pm 14 September 2024: N Williamson

Sunday 10.00 am 15 September 2024: S McGlone and C McHugh


Saturday 6.00 pm 21 September 2024: C Baldam

Sunday 10.00 am 22 September 2024: M Crook and C Goddard


Saturday 6.00 pm 28 September 2024: J Rowland

Sunday 10.00 am 29 September 2024: D Chappell and B Tyrell




Saturday 6.00 pm 7 September 2024: A Hall

Sunday 10.00 am 8 September 2024: S McGlone, C McInnes and J O'Leary


Saturday 6.00 pm 14 September 2024: B O'Malley

Sunday 10.00 am 15 September 2024: T Ruane, J Shellard and T Page




will continue in the Octagonal Hall on Thursdays after 10.00 am Mass.




PACT is a Catholic charity and their Prisoners’ Families Helpline are currently seeking to recruit more helpline volunteers. The role can be carried out remotely.  https://www.prisonadvice.org.uk/Pages/Category/volunteer




in England and Wales Please see the Bishop’s website: https://www.cbcew.org.uk/home/news-and-media/news/


GRAPEVINE - News from Justice & Peace and Caritas:

Grapevine is the Diocesan Newsletter for Adult formation , Justice & Peace and Caritas in our diocese.





Your foreign coins and used or unused stamps - all can be sorted and valued, with profits to our Bazaar fund.

See Fr Chris or Mick Crook for further information.




All data is stored securely on computer and access is limited to the Parish Priest and a small number of people authorised by the priest, to assist with parish administration. The Diocese remains the sole Data Controller (i.e. has responsibility for the use and control of this data), even where processing is carried out by parishes. The Diocesan Policy can be found at http://www.dioceseofnottingham.uk/data-protection-policy




All who are associated with the Parish in any way are invited to register. When completing the form please use BLOCK CAPITALS and complete all relevant boxes. If there is not enough room on the form for any information please use the reverse. Thank you for your co-operation.




If you have been away and want to catch up on what's been happening in the parish you can now read the Parish Newsletters for the previous four weeks.  Click the "Newsletters" button at the top of this page.  You can also download a copy of this week's Newsletter.




Great news for Market Harborough. In addition to the Carers Support Group there will now be an Activity Group for people with Dementia. We are looking for people who would like to volunteer for the Activity Group on a Friday morning from 9.30 am - 12.30 pm. You will be involved in welcoming people with dementia and their carers and helping people with dementia to take part in a variety of discussions and activities. Please contact Alison Chaplin of Alzheimer's Society on 0116 231 1111




If so please ask your family, or if you are well enough to do so yourself, to let the Catholic Chaplain know that you are there. Otherwise you will not have a visit from the Catholic Chaplaincy or be able to receive Holy Communion. Under the Data Protection Act, the hospital staff can no longer reveal to any chaplain, or to anybody else enquiring, the religion of any patient in their care. The same applies to Residential Homes and other places of care. The onus is now on the patient or their family to inform the Chaplain.


COMMUNITY COMPANIONS - Supporting Older People back into the heart of their communities: 


Voluntary Action South Leicestershire (VASL) has been offering a befriending service in the Harborough District for over 14 years and are keen to recruit more volunteers who could visit an older person for 1 - 2 hours a week. Training and ongoing support are given, and travel costs are covered. If you could volunteer, or you would like a befriender to visit you, please contact Rohini Corfield (Community Champions Project Manager) or Jenny Young on 01858 439262.   More information is available at www.VASL.org.uk/our-projects/community-champions




The Market Harborough Carers Support Group facilitated by Alison Chaplin meets on the first Friday of every month at 10am at the Coffee Lounge of the Methodist Church on Northampton Road. This group gives carers an invaluable opportunity to share some of their experience of caring for a loved one with dementia. There is also an opportunity to hear about the latest news from Alzheimer’s Society and to look at books and leaflets about dementia, including many written from a Christian perspective. If you or anyone you know is in a caring situation, do let them know about the group. Contact Alison on 0116 031 1111 (alison.chaplin@alzheimers.or.uk). Or just turn up on the day and Alison will be thee to welcome you.


Alzheimer’s Society is also looking for volunteer befrienders in Market Harborough and area. The volunteer befriender enables a person with dementia to participate in an activity they would like to do in the community - perhaps going out for a cup of tea, shopping, going for a walk, doing a sport or taking a class. The befriender needs to be available for a session of up to 4 hours a week between the hours of 9 am and 4 pm Mondays to Fridays. It is useful to be able to drive too. Volunteers will receive induction and ongoing training and support from the Befriending Manager. If you would like to hear more, please contact Alison as above.




The Bower House Christian Counselling Service offers counselling and help to people of the local community. We are open from 9 am to 9 pm and need Support Worker volunteers to offer hospitality within the house as well as some admin. such as answering the phone and taking referrals.  We have a lovely band of volunteers but could do with more help. How will you be spending your time this autumn and winter? Could you offer a three hours slot once a week or once a fortnight? If you are interested please ring Jadz Bower, Chris Hodgson or Jeanette Payne on 01858 469257 or drop in to see us between 9 am and 5 pm.




wish to thank each and everyone for their gifts to the “LIFE SHOP”.  When bringing in goods for the LIFE SHOP, can they be clearly marked with “LIFE” on the outside of the plastic bag.  Small items of furniture will also be welcome, but please contact the Life Shop direct for collection.  Please DO NOT place small furniture in the Cloister for collection.




Our Diocesan advisors have informed us that legacies left in wills, directly to the parish, should really be directed to the  registered charity.  The Roman Catholic Diocese of Nottingham is the registered charity.  The advice given, is to encourage parishioners contemplating leaving a legacy via their will to their parish, and to make sure the parish will be the beneficiary , is to direct the legacy to the Registered Charity - the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nottingham with strict instruction that it is (in our case) for the parish of Our Lady of Victories, Market Harborough.




Torch Trust is an international Christian Mission that aims to help people with sightless to discover faith in Christ and live fulfilling Christian lives.  They are continually developing their service for blind and partially sighted people and as a result the volunteer needs are also changing.   Perhaps you know someone who has recently retired and is looking to use their gifts and skills, honed in the workplace, in a new avenue.  Or perhaps you know someone who has been long termed unemployed, volunteering can help to raise self esteem and build new skills that can go on the CV with a view of getting back into work. 


Further information on what volunteering roles are available can be found on the poster on the notice board.


"The Lord's Day" -


Weekly Newsletter of the Watermead Apostolate:  https://www.watermead-apostolate.co.uk/the-lords-day




This webpage is updated from the Weekly Newsletter.  Sometimes due to shortage of space it is not possible to include everything in the weekly Parish Newsletter. If you would like an item published on the website please email any items to newsletter@olvic.com 


We can only publish items which meet the criteria for inclusion in the weekly Parish Newsletter.